Scrap Cars Hamilton

We pay the best prices for scrap cars in Hamilton With A FREE COLLECTION service.

Are you looking to scrap a vehicle in Hamilton? Carntyne Vehicle Dismantlers are your local car scrap yard. We guarantee to offer the best price for your vehicle regardless of age or condition.

Give us a call or complete the form here to find out how much your car is worth.

What We Do

We offer a FREE COLLECTION service for all scrap cars in and around Hamilton. We meet all the latest environmental regulations for end-of-life vehicles and we offer instant payment for vehicles.

So if you have ever asked the question, where can I find the best scrap yard car near me that offers the best prices GUARANTEED? The answer is Carntyne Vehicle Dismantlers. Complete the form here to get a FREE scrapping my car quote today

best prices paid for scrap cars

Best Prices Paid

We pay the best prices in Glasgow and can beat any genuine quote.

instant payment for scrap cars

Instant Payment

When we pickup your vehicle we will give you an instant payment.

scrap my car glasgow scrap yard with freeccollection

Free Collection

We offer a FREE PICKUP service that's convenient and hassle free.

sepa registered

SEPA Registered

We meet all regulations for the safe dismantling and recycling of vehicles.

dvla approved for end of life vehicles

DVLA approved facility

We are a Government approved facility for end of life vehicles.

scrap cars hamilton we complete the paperwork

We Handle The Paperwork

We handle all the paperwork, including the Certificate of Destruction (COD).

Best prices paid
We guarantee to pay more for your car than other scrap dealers. Complete the form here for a FREE quote, and if you find a better deal from somewhere else we guarantee to beat it.
DVLA approved
We are approved by the DVLA to recycle end-of-life cars. This means our facilities have been checked to ensure they meet strict environmental standards. And that your car is stored, dismantled and recycled using the latest environmentally friendly methods.
We offer a FREE vehicle collection service in the Hamilton area. Our specialist recovery vehicle can collect cars in all conditions including insurance write-offs, non-runners and cars without running gear.
Excellent customer service
We are a local company that is proud of the service we offer. Our knowledgeable team are always available for support and will be happy to guide you through the vehicle scrapping process if this is your first time. So if you have a question, don’t be afraid to ask.
Local family-owned company
Have you ever wanted to know, where is the best scrap yard car near me in Hamilton? Of course, we are biased, but we truly believe the answer is Carntyne Vehicle Dismantlers. We deliver the best service, offer the best prices and collect cars for free, no matter what condition they are in.


Scrap car Hamilton FAQs

How will I be paid?
We pay funds directly into your bank account using BACS. This is the safest and quickest way to pay. You won’t have to wait for funds to arrive, and there is no risk of the cheque bouncing or being cancelled.


How can you afford to pay more for my car than other scrap dealers?

Customers often ask us how come you can offer more than other scrap yards for scrapping my car? This is because we remove any saleable accessories before crushing them. These are then sold through our used car parts business. This increases the revenue generated from each car, allowing us to offer you more money upfront.

My car is a non-runner. Can you still collect it?

Yes, no problem, we collect all types of cars including insurance write-offs and non-runners. Car collection is free of charge in the Hamilton area, so give us a call and we’ll arrange a suitable time for your vehicle to be collected.

We are ready to buy your scrap car

Are you looking to scrap a car in the Hamilton area? Carntyne Vehicle Dismantlers are here to help. We offer the best prices for scrap cars in Hamilton. And we GUARANTEE we won’t be beaten on price. Find out how much we’ll pay for your car by completing the form here now.


Get a FREE quote for your scrap car now.

How Does It Work?

We offer a FREE SCRAP CAR COLLECTION service in and around the Glasgow area, so you don’t have to worry about getting insurance for an unroadworthy vehicle. We’ll arrange a time to collect your vehicle thats convenient to you.
1: Get A Quote

Give us a call or complete the form here to get a FREE quote for your car. We offer quotes for cars in all conditions, it doesn't have to run. And we promise to pay the best prices in Glasgow.

2: Choose a collection date

Once you have received a quote and are happy to proceed you just need to arrange a collection date. We’ll arrange a collection day and time that's suitable for you.

3: Get paid

When we arrive for collection, we’ll assess the car and arrange for payment to be transferred immediately. Payment is made by BACS transfer straight into your bank account.

4: Get Required Paperwork

We will send you out a certificate of destruction (COD) that you're required to have by law. You can also send this document to DVLA to claim a refund on any vehicle tax.

Get A Quote Today

What Our Customers Say

We take pride in supplying a very high level of service. Most of our customers come from repeat business or recommendations.

Can't fault the service I got when scrapping my car Glasgow based Carntyne Vehicle Dismantlers took care of the full process and paid me instantly on pickup and filled out all the paperwork. I would recommend using them.
Derek McCallum
Derek McCallum
Scrap Car Service​
I was looking for a headlight to replace a broken one that got smashed by a stone. The dealer wanted £300 and I got one for a fraction of the price. It saved me a ton of money and was easy to replace.
Scott Russell
Scott Russell
Used Car Parts

Need a Used Car Part?

We offer superior quality used parts for most makes and models. Our used car parts are priced low to make sure we can maximise our SEPA registration and green credentials whilst offering you massive savings from new dealer parts.


0141 778 6999